Saturday 25 December 2010

Globing Warming

Global Warming: Society’s WarningI feel strongly that global warming is affecting my community because it’s effects reach across every town in every country across the entire planet. Global warming is sometimes referred to as the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is the absorption of energy radiated from the Earth's surface by carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere, causing the atmosphere to become warmer. The greenhouse effect is what is causing the temperature on the Earth to rise, and creating many problems that will begin to occur in the coming decades. For the last 10,000 years, the Earth's climate has been extraordinarily beneficial to mankind. "Humans have prospered tremendously well under a benign atmosphere," (Bates 28). Today, however, major changes are taking place. People are conducting an inadvertent global experiment by changing the face of the entire planet. We are destroying the ozone layer, which allows life to exist on the Earth's surface. All of these activities are unfavorably altering the composition of the biosphere and the Earth's heat balance. If we do not slow down our use of fossil fuels and stop destroying, the forests, the world could become hotter than it has

Some areas, particularly in the Northern Hemisphere, will dry out and a greater occurrence of lightning strikes will set massive forest fires. The global warming refers to a long-term rise in the average temperature of the Earth. Large tracks of coastal land would disappear, as would shallow barrier islands and coral reefs. Vulnerable coastal cities would have to move farther inland or build protective walls against the angry sea, where a larger number of extremely dangerous hurricanes would prowl the ocean stretches. Decreased rainfall in some areas will results in increased rainfall in others. Life could not exist if there was no natural greenhouse effect. Climate in Crisis: The greenhouse effect and what we can do in Tennessee. Forests and other wildlife habitats might not have enough time to adjust to the rapidly changing climate. Many of the Earth's natural disasters, such as volcanic activity, and other factors, have caused our planet's (Bates 23) atmosphere to become either colder or warmer. The greenhouse effect and global warming both correspond with each other. Though the task is imposing, the clean energy revolution is coming along just in time, promising genuine climate solutions. The warming will rearrange entire biological communities and cause many species to become extinct. Atmospheric disturbances brought on by the additional warming will produce more violent storms and larger death tolls.

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